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Consigne: Mettre les verbes au preterit+ complétez les parties grisées par les termes de la webquest.
Shakespeare ……………..(be) born in England in the 17th century. He was a poet a ……………….(= dramaturge, qui écrit des pieces de théâtre) and also an actor because he sometimes …………………..(perform) in his own plays. He ……………….(write) Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet and a comedy called………………………….(Songed’Une Nuit d’été) which are his most famous plays. His theatre is called …………………, it still exists in London, near the Thames and it’s still a theatre. What ……………………..(make) Shakespeare’s works so special are that his plays are the most performed all around the world, even nowadays. Moreover he ………………….(invented)some words that we use today, for example “GOSSIP” “LONELY”. Another interesting fact is that he wrote about love, greed, jealousy, sex, so his plays are still read nowadays, and the way(= la façondont) he wrote inspired many hiphop artists because the rhythm is very fast and his style inspired slam poets.
 Dear students, you should try to watch ROMEO AND JULIET with Leonardo Di Caprio. This movie is very modern BUT they kept Shakespeare’s lines, so it’s also very poetic.
To go further (=pour aller plus loin) These are links about Shakespeare+ hip hop in an American school and Shakespeare+inspiration+ hiphop artists.

Sagot :


Réponse :





Midsummer Night's Dream

Shakespeare's Globe



Explications :

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