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Bonjour je dois faire une rédaction en formulant , et je dois dire si je suis pour ou contre «Les réseaux sociaux améliorent les relations/communication humaines» svp

J’ai besoin de votre aide

Sagot :

Réponse :

Salut alors tu pourrais dire :

There's a lot of Positive Effects Social Media Sites Have on Society for example ;  Social Media Makes It Easier to Make Friends ; One of the biggest positives of social media is that it has never been easier to make friends. Just a few decades ago it was pretty tough to connect with people, unless you were the overly outgoing type -

Social Media Fosters Empathy: Each of us spends a little too long talking about ourselves on social networking sites. Which is perfectly natural. We're sharing our lives---the ups and downs, the twists and turns---with people we think will care. They generally do care, and will tell you so. They will listen to what you have to say, and help you deal with any problems you may be facing. If this isn't the case, then you may want to find new friends. The point is that by all of us sharing our experiences, both good and bad, on social networking sites, we're able to empathize with each other.

Social Media Helps You Find Common Ground :

social networking sites can help you find people you share interests with. Facebook, for example, asks you to list who and what you are interested in right from the start. This makes it much easier to find common ground with other users.  

On Twitter you should be following those who have something to say that you're interested in, making connections with like-minded individuals much easier than you would offline.

Explications : j'espère que ça t'as aidé et ta pp norman >>

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