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bonjour pourriez vous m'aidez svp merci

Imaginez que la vie sur Terre devienne soudainement impossible.
– Décrivez ce qui va arriver à la planète /4
idées : Pourquoi la vie n'est-elle plus possible sur Terre ? (guerre,
maladie, changement climatique...)
– Décrivez ce que nous allons faire pour survivre en tant qu'espèce /4
idées : Allons-nous déménager sur une autre planète ? Vivre dans un
vaisseau spatial ?
– Décrivez notre nouvel environnement /4
idées : Allons-nous rencontrer une autre forme de vie, hostile ou
non ? Qu'est-ce qui pourrait être différent de la Terre ?

Sagot :


Who thought that planet Earth was going to know this fate ? After years and years , human beings kept ignoring the state earth was submerging on , in fact the so called "environmentalists" were right , in this planet Earth , humans almost forgot how beautiful it used to be living in Earth . Planet Earth has become horrible and maybe the most dystopian place humanity ever imagined, there's barely water and rain comes within a period of 2 years . Fires are the new common phenomenon , the Amazonian forest will disappear and the temperatures will be above of 69 degrees. In fact most of species have disappeared from Earth giving a chance to new species that may resist better to hot temperatures, we could say that foxes became the new domestic animals , but who needs little pets when you can barely feed yourself ? That's why humans adopt huge parrots that chase other animals so they can survive, also humans have successfully developed a machine that can purify water . Everyone has these machines because they're easy to fabricate and easy to use . Even though planet Earth seems apocalyptic, humans will manage to survive, but for the bravest of them , they plan to move into Mars , unfortunately technology reached its peak so the ones that try to build spaceships they end dying in space, lost in the vast universe and in their thoughts , asking : What if we went back on time ?

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