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aider moi svpp ses pour demain!
Dear hiring manager, I am writing to apply for the position of ………………………. (name of the job) as advertised on the website I am a ……………………. (quality) and ………………….(quality)pupil and I believe I will be able to fill this role with energy and enthusiasm. As I am passionate about…………………... (your passion) and I love ……………………(something you love) , I would love to have the opportunity to work in this environment. As you will see in my CV, I have ………………………………….. for ……………. at ……………………... (talk about your experience) and this has allowed me to learn a lot. Indeed, I have discovered a lot about the job and what is expected of it. I also have great ………………….. (a skill ) skills as this has been my passion since ………………………… (date since you started to like this job) Besides, I have been ……………………………………….. (an experience) so I have experience.This position has taught me …………………………………………………………………… (qualities you have learnt) Thank you for your consideration and I hope I can hear from you soon.

Sagot :

  • CEO
  • a very competitive person
  • optimistic
  • becoming a mentor
  • to break new grounds and so be innovative
  • managed to take lead positions to big brands such as Yahoo
  • for 5 months
  • at Liverpool, this opportunity has been a huge help for me , because it taught me patience and perseverance in order to success.
  • sense of finding the elements that disrupt a company's success and many other
  • i was very young since I always loved to find solutions for my everyday problems
  • a CEO of a bunch of companies that were going in bankrupt but thanks to my work along with my colleagues we managed to find a better future for the company
  • that we should always persevere and fight no matter what .
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