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bonjour pouvez vous m'aidez svp merci d'avance ❤️

Complète les énoncés suivants à l'aide de "there was" ou "there were" à la forme qui convient.

1) ............ 12 people in front of me at the supermarket yesterday.

2. My father went to Churchill in Canada. One morning, ......... a polar bear right outside his house!

3. "How many pupils ...... in the class yesterday?" "26."

4. ......... a good film on TV yesterday?"
"No, ....... anything interesting."

5. Why ........ so many people in front of the newsagent's?​

Sagot :

Réponse :

1) There was 12 people in front of me at the supermarket yesterday.

2. My father went to Churchill in Canada. One morning, there were a polar bear right outside his house!

3. "How many pupils there were in the class yesterday?" "26."

4. There were a good film on TV yesterday?"

"No, there was anything interesting."

5. Why there was so many people in front of the newsagent's?​

Explications :



1) There were 12 people in front of me at the supermarket yesterday.

2. My father went to Churchill in Canada. One morning, there was a polar bear right outside his house!

3. "How many pupils there were in the class yesterday?" "26."

4. There was a good film on TV yesterday?"

"No, there was anything interesting."

5. Why there were so many people in front of the newsagent's?


j’espère t’avoir aider❤❤♥️♥️

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