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Bonjour pouvez vous m'aider s'il vous plaît merci.

Compléter avec le verbe conjugué au prétérit simple :

1. (you/go) to London yesterday?

2. Yes, I (réponse courte):

3. I (take) the Eurostar

4. and I (arrive) at Waterloo Station.

5. I (meet) old friends there.

6. They (be) all very happy to see me.

7. I (visit) the town with them.

8. I even (see) Prince Charles!

9. I (go) to Buckingham Palace too!

10. It (be) a wonderful journey!

Sagot :


1) You going

3) Took

4) arrived

5) met

6) were

7) visited

8) saw

9) going

10) were


2:yes i did

3:i took the Eurostar

4:And i arrived at Waterloo Station

5:I met an old friend there .

6:They we’re all very happy to see me

7:I visited the town with them .

8:I even saw Prince Charles

9:I went to Buckingham Palace too!

10:It was a wonderful journey !