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hey guys, please i need help, i wanna some informations about any culture i have to do a paragraphe
ps : it's not allowed to use google :")​

Sagot :

Bonjour ,

voici ma réponse :

Culture is also inseparable from artistic heritage, in the sense that it is an attachment to traditional values. This aspect of culture is much more pronounced in Europe and Asia, than in America and especially in the United States, for obvious historical reasons.

Nevertheless, the United States admires European cultural heritage, because it is its cultural roots: it is seen in the acquisitions of works of art, in their presence in artistic places (Paris, Bruges, Venice, Egypt, etc.), in American patronage for the restoration of some symbolic elements of European heritage (castle of Versailles, etc.), in musical exchanges (conductors, etc.). Etc. The Americans' respect for the monarchical history of France seems surprising at first, but it reveals this attachment to a historical heritage that they do not have, and a recognition of the role played by France in history and in the defense of freedoms in the United States.  

When we talk about heritage, we most often think of built heritage and architecture, but it is also sculpture, painting, stained glass, music, literature, folklore, language. For several years, UNESCO has developed a programme for intangible heritage .

Register of Good Safeguarding Practices.

In Asia and North Africa, there is an extraordinarily rich heritage, in chinese, Indian, Arab and Berber civilizations for example. The heritage of Black Africa is also rediscovered .

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