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Sagot :
Today I want to write some of my Happiest Moments with my family, my friends.
For Aid Day, we decided to go to Turkey for a week, to celebrate Aid Day, I think everyone should know.
It was my best party.
First, I'll walk you through what we did step by step.
I had put on a very nice dress.
We went to my grandparents, on occasions like that, we go to the older ones. Then we will wish a happy birthday to families such as aunts, uncles.
All the members of the family gave me gifts (money, clothes... ).
It's like a little Christmas without Santa, we give and receive gifts But the best gift was from my father.
You know what I got: an iPhone.
And when my father gave it to me, he said this to me:
- (my father) hold this my princess
- (Me) what is it for me,
- (My father) yes, my dear, you didn't want that, I decided to give it to you for this most important moment
- - (me) (emu) thank you dad. , thank you, I'm so happy and I like it a lot
Then we decorated the room, the living room, the table with balloons, and candles, ..
We had dinner with the whole family with all the different recipes, which everyone had brought back, and the best was the desserts (cake, any different culture ....)
After all this, we decided to go and give gifts to the children at the orphanage, I gave away all my clothes, toys that I had since I was a child.
You know when I asked the children:
- What do you want
The response was shocking.
- What do you want asia?
- I want your shoes
- What do you want alicia?
- I want your dress
- What do you want Susan
- I want your coat.
Everyone wanted clothes not toys yet these girls were only seven to eight years old they said to me:
- I want to be beautiful like you.
You can imagine these kids all have ripped clothes and for them those clothes were better than toys, and despite that I gave away all the dolls and toys I had in my possession.
"You know my confidant I would love to help them even more but I can't."
They were so happy that I had tears in my eyes.
We distributed Halloween-like candy to neighborhood children.
I'm telling you a secret, it was the happiest party I've ever had.
And you: what do you think
It's a shame you can't answer, but you're the only one who knows how I felt about this unforgettable day.
Ah! I didn't tell you in total, I got five handred € phone, pairs of shoes, books, perfume, make up .. what more could you ask for?
What a day, and above all what an experience to have seen children without parents the experience of making them happy, of taking pictures with them.
Only emotions, unforgettable memories
And you what favorite gift do you?
My friend, my confidant
Even if you don't answer I know you'll tell me about the phone and the orphanage experience.
Okay my diary I'll leave you for today, it's time to go to sleep,
I'll tell you tomorrow, for the next secrets.
désolée si vous avez remarqué qu’il y a des points et virgules que je n’est pas mis
passez une bonne journée
Voici la suite d'hier:
You know when I asked the children :
- What do you want ?
The answer was choking.
- What do you want Asia ?
- I want your shoes.
- What do you want Alicia ?
- I want your dress.
- What do you want Susan ?
- I want your coat.
Everyone only wanted clothes but no toys, however these girls were only 7/8 years old, they told me :
- I want to be beautiful just like you.
Can you imagine that all these children have ripped clothes and that these clothes were better than toys, and despite everything, I gave them all the dolls and toys that I had in my possession.
«You know my confidant, I would like to give them so much more but I can't.»
They were so happy when that I had tears in my eyes.
We distributed candies just like Halloween to the children of the neighborhood.
I'm telling you a secret, it was the most beautiful party that I have been through.
And you : what do you think ?
It's too bad that you can't answer me, but you are the only one that knows my feelings, of that unforgettable day.
Oh ! And I didn't tell you everything, I got 500€, shoes, books, parfume, makeup,... What do you want more ?
What a day, and mostly what an experience to have seen these children without parents, the experience to please them, to make photos with them.
Only unforgettable emotions and memories.
And you, what present would you prefer ?
My friend, my confidant ?
Even if you don't answer I know that you will say the sell phone and the experience at the orphanage.
Well my diary, I will leave you for today, it's time to sleep. I say see you tomorrow for my next secrets.
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