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Salut quelqu'un peut m'aider

enfaite je doit créé une scène de crimes englais et me faire passer pour Sherlock holms et il doit y avoir comme :
assassin : Mme hoareau
arme:AK47 (fusil d'assaut)
suspect :Mr mahot,Mr Laterrière

Sagot :


sherlock :

My honor you may think that Mr Mahot and Hoareau are innocent and that Mr Laterriere is the culprit, then let me tell you that while i was walking through this scene Mr Hoareau made me notice that the tip of his tie was stained with some black greenish substance, while hugging him a strong smell of mercury got out , indeed Mr Mahot and him said that they were helping the gardener, i went to the gardener and i made a little research about his furniture, in fact Mr mahot and him were right they were really helping him since he used some tools containing Mercury but what he didn't know is that Mercury is actually black with a brownish tint , and when it reacts with Sulfate 3+ it becomes black and greenish just as the tip of his tie . Well Mr Laterriere give me your AK47

Mr Laterriere :

Here is it Sherlock but i swear it wasn't me ! Believe me ! Even tho it has my fingerprints as the police man saw !

Sherlock :

What's inside this AK47 ?

Mr Laterriere :

(confused) Uhm.. it has Potassium, Nitrium 6+ acidic formula , sulfate 3+ -

Sherlock :

That's it my dear people ,as Mr Laterriere said this thing ( pointing at the AK47) contains sulfate 3+ which reacts with Mercure and give us this ( points at the tie of Mr Hoareau ) .

Crowd : ( talking very confusedly )

Mr Hoareau :

I... I didn't ! ( cries )

Sherlock :

You can't escape this ! Mr Hoareau i mean the murderer

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