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j'ai besoin d'une correction, merci d'avance ❤❤❤

CONSIGNE: Vous êtes chevalier et vous venez de décider de devenir moine. Écrivez une lettre à votre famille pour expliquer votre décision. Votre choix peut être motivé par de nombreuses raisons, mais pas par la pauvreté ou une blessure.
N'oubliez pas de décider quoi faire de vos biens et de votre terrain / domaine; puisque vous devez abandonner tout ce que vous possédez.
Rappelez-vous ce que vous avez appris sur les moines: les moines étaient-ils réellement en dehors de la société? En tant que chevalier, vous êtes une personne importante, serait-ce différent en tant que moine?
Expliquez également ce qui vous attire dans ce nouveau style de vie.
250 à 400 mots

TRAVAIL: Dear family,
some time ago I decided to become a monk. I know that a knight in the service of the king who becomes a monk is not usual, but it is my choice and I ask you to respect it.
Know, dear parents, that the desire for religious life is stronger than the knight's life offered to me. I want to devote my life to reading the Bible, to prayer, to our Lord. It had been a long time since I had given my heart to God. letting go of human love is a long-standing issue. My heart is taken by a love other than the one I have for God. I want to make my dream come true. I no longer wish to devote my life to combat but to the brain of the Lord.
The reasons for this decision are the following: to fill a certain happiness, to ensure my place in paradise, because what is the most beautiful thing than to be able to live a better life in the beyond. And finally, forgive my sins, my terrible sins that I committed in war, the lives that I took, the power that I granted myself by killing innocent people. I don't want to be a knight anymore, because they go against the commandments, especially the one that says "you shall not kill". "
To return to the monastery and become a monk, I had to prepare myself to live a monastic life, devoted to servitude, which requires devotion in order to achieve a life of celibacy and to detach myself from material goods.
The preparation for monastic life was very long, I had to learn to live in community, to commit myself to remaining celibate, to get rid of all my material possessions….
Since I am a knight, I own a lot of good, which I have acquired from the many tournaments that I have won. These murderous spectacles which made me gain treasures and the respect of kings.
Now I want to give some of my land, treasures and all my possessions to people in need and the rest to the church.
As a future monk life is more different than that of a knight, indeed the days are calmer. There is less action and the days are longer.
In addition, the schedule of a monk is not so easy, because apart from prayers and religious songs, we have manual work.
I am now happy with gods.

Your son.

Sagot :


je viens de lire ta lettre et je trouve que c'est vraiment super ! Je n'ai pas vu de fautes du tout et je trouve que c'est très bien écrit.. après je suis pas une prof donc voilà...

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