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Bonjour quelqu'un peut m'aider svp, merci d'avance

Décris et analyse cette photo.
40 mots minimum, en anglais​

Bonjour Quelquun Peut Maider Svp Merci Davance Décris Et Analyse Cette Photo40 Mots Minimum En Anglais class=

Sagot :

Réponse :

This is the picture, we can see the people in the bus,we can see black people in the background and the white people at the front of the bus,they are separated in the bus.We can see a man with hat on the head and women look man with the hat.

Explications :

In this picture , we can see people in a bus. Some are standing and some are sitting down. White people are in the front and black people are in the background of the picture. We can see a man wearing a hat looking at the back of the bus and a woman looking at him. This picture is in black and white so she must be old.

(J’ai mis plus que 40 mots et j’ai apporté du détail pour te rapporter des points en plus j’espère que tu auras une bonne note ! )