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Sagot :
NAACP is an American civil rights organization that was founded in 1909 from Niagara.
SNCC is a nonviolent coordinating committee of students and principles of the African American civils rights movement circa 1960.
CSCC Southern Chritian Leadership is an american organization of the civils rights movement based in atlanta.
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Voici la traduction.
NAACP is an American civil rights organization that was founded in 1909 from Niagara. The SNCC is a nonviolent coordinating committee of the students and principles of the African American civil rights movement in 1960. The SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership) is an American organization of the civil rights movement based in Atlanta.
NAACP is an American civil rights organization that was founded in 1909 from Niagara. The SNCC is a nonviolent coordinating committee of the students and principles of the African American civil rights movement in 1960. The SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership) is an American organization of the civil rights movement based in Atlanta.
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