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bonjour a tous j'ai un problème je ne suis pas très fort en anglais es que vous pourriez m'aider dans mon devoir en anglais je vous remercie d'avance

Sagot :

Réponse :

1. The victim, William west was killed.

2. The suspects are his wife Sally West, the cook Amelia, the gardener John and his son Billy West.

3. At the time the murder, Sally as allegedly reading a newspaper by the window.

4. When William West was killed Amelia was supposedly sleeping in the kitchen.

She saw Billy in front of the bathroom looking nervous.

5. Billy says that he was in his room listening to music.

6. He also tells the inspector that earlier on he asked his father for money but William declined.

7. John was in the garden as usual watering William's beloved flowers.

The murderer is Billy West. In his alibi, he says that he was in his room but that couldn’t have been true since Amelia saw him in front of the bathroom looking nervous. Billy is also the only one who would have a solid motive to assassinate his father. In his interview he is obviously nervous and comes off very defensive. All the suspect alibis match one another except his.

Explications :

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