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Bonjour !

J'ai besoin d'un peu d'aide pour ces exercices...

Pouvez-vous m'aider s'il vous plait, ça m'aiderait grandement :)

1) Mettre ces mots dans le bon ordre pour reconstituer une phrase:
a) to / New York / I / tomorrow / fly / am / to / going
b) she / records / will / to / bring / the / her / party
c) am / married / I / get / going / to
d) later / guitar / the / play / will / you
e) they / eat / to / going / are

2) Mettre ces verbes au future:
a) I've just finished my homework so I ________ (to play) video games.
b) She ________ (to give) a concert at the Town Hall next Saturday night.
c) They are hungry; they ________ (to have) a snack.
d) You ________ (not to use) the phone, are you?

Sagot :

Réponse :


a. I am going to fly to New York tomorrow.

b. She will bring the records to her party.

c. I am going to get married.

d. Will you play the guitar later ?

e. They are going to eat.


a. I've just finished my homework so I am going to play video games.

b. She will give a concert at the Town Hall next Saturday night.

c. They are hungry; they will have a snack.

d. You aren't going to use the phone, are you ?

1. a) I am going to fly to New York tomorrow/ Tomorrow I am going to fly to New York

b) She will bring the records to her party

c) I am going to get married

d) Will you play the guitar later?

e) They are going to eat

2. a) am going to play

b) will give

c) will have

d) aren't going to use