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Bonjour quelqu’un peut m’aider pour mon exercice d’anglais svp ?

Complete ce texte avec les verbes conjugués au temps du prétérit qui convient :

The accident :

On Monday morning. June 1". Mr Wheel, the bus driver,
(drive) along a little street in Paris. The sun
Mr Wheel (stop)
his bus at a bus stop and a lady
(get) on just as Mr Wheel
(leave) the stop, black cat
(jump) out in front of the bus. The driver
(be) surprised so he (step) on the brakes.
At the same time. Mrs Clean
(be) at Mrs Rich's house. They
(chat). Mrs Clean (dust) the furniture and Mrs Rich (finish) her third cup of tea. All of a sudden, they (hear) a terrible noise outisse. Mrs Clean (run) to the window and she (See) a little boy. He (lie) on the road behind a big bus and he
(cry), he could not move. They (see) the mallman, Mr Stamp with his bag, bike and
letters all around him
When the police (arrive), Mr Stamp
(tell) them he (not/see) the boys; he
(Ride) his bike at full speed and he
(hurry) because he (be) late for work.
Fortunately the little boy (not/break) his leg or anything!

Sagot :



jumped out

was surprised so he stepped on

Mrs Clean was at ....they chatted.

Mrs Clean dusted.....and Mr Rich finished

they heard.

Mrs Clean ran to the....and she saw..

when the police arrived, Mr stamp told them he did not see the boys.; he rode his bike.....and he hurried...he was late...

little boy did not break...

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