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Complétez les phrases à l'aide des mots suivants: fascinated achieve challenges adventure
overcome - achievements - limits - ahead - extreme - challenging
a. They have taken up a lot of.... , and gone beyond their... to... their goal
b. He has the spirit of.... . He loves... experiences in....conditions
C. This woman is ready to... hardships because she wants to go...
d. They have always dreamt of becoming famous and they are...
by the adventurers'....​

Sagot :

Réponse :

a. They have taken up a lot of challenges, and gone beyond their limits to achieve their goal.

b. He has the spirit of adventure . He loves challenging experiences in extreme conditions

c. This women is ready to overcome hardships because she wants to go ahead.

d. They have always dreamt of becoming famous and they are fascinated by the adventurers' achievements.