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Bonjour, pourriez vous m'aider pour mon anglais s'il vous plait, merci d'avance :

Intégrez l'un des quantifieurs qui convient :

1. I still (a lot/a good deal of ) to do before dinner.

2. (many / a great deal of ) people have round that movie dreaful.

3. I'm sorry but i have (much/enough)
4. CDs still cost ( a good deal / a lot )

5. (Lots / a good many ) people would like to be in your situation.

6. A good deal of / much ) their worj is going to be published.

7. There's ( many / enough ) more gravy for those who're niot on a diet.

8. There's ( many / enough ) dater left fort a bath.

9. You shouldn't put so ( plenty / much ) salt in the water when you boil eggs.

10. There isn't ( a lot of / much ) I can do about it.

Sagot :


1. a lot

2. many

3. Enough

4. A lot

5. Lots

6. A good deal of

7. Many

8. Enough (j'ai pas compris la phrase dsl)

9. Much

10. Much

Réponse :


1. I still (a lot ) to do before dinner.

2. (many) people have round that movie dreaful.

3. I'm sorry but i have (enough)

4. CDs still cost ( a lot )

5. (Lots ) people would like to be in your situation.

6. A good deal of  ) their worj is going to be published.

7. There's ( many ) more gravy for those who're niot on a diet.

8. There's ( enough ) dater left fort a bath.

9. You shouldn't put so ( much ) salt in the water when you boil eggs.

10. There isn't (much ) I can do about it.

Explications :

voila bonne journée !