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Sagot :
Réponse : Hello everyone ! Today I'm gonna talk to you about the daily life of a seller ! I'll start with my schedule: So, I usually start around 10am and end around 10pm. But it can end later than that, it really depends in what kind of shop you work in ! Unfortunately, like for most jobs, there isn't a lot of time to eat, meaning you have to hurry up to eat, and then get back to work. Said like that, it can sound a bit annoying. But, that's only if you hate being a seller. Because if you didn't want to be a seller in the first place, then you obviously won't appreciate talking to customers, convincing them on buying things. It really is a lot of work ! If you're not good at convincing people, then I don't think you'll enjoy being a seller. And if you are the total oposite and are very manipulative, then seller must be the dream job for you ! In conclusion, the daily life of a seller will be boring for anyone that isn't sociable or that just doesn't want to work there, and for the rest of us, well, enjoy doing your dream job!
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