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bonjour pouvez vous m'aider svp merci.

Bonjour Pouvez Vous Maider Svp Merci class=

Sagot :



de mémoire on a :

= égalité

as.. adjectif.. as

=> 3 => my boat is as expensive as your boat

- inférioité

less.. adjectif .. than

=> 5 => Jurassic park is less frightening than Star wars

+ supériorité

more.. adjectif.. than  si adjectif long

adjectif + ER .. than si adjectif court

=> 1 => S is prettier than S

=> 2 => this song is better than the previous one (good est un irrégulier)

=> 7 => P is younger than the other pupils

=> 1b => this book is more interesting than yours

vous avez tout pour réussir :)

Bonjour !

1. Sandra is prettier than Sophia.

2. This song is better than the previous one.

3. My boat is as expensive as your boat.

4. This book is as bad as that one.

5. Jurassic Park is less frightening than Star Wars.

6. The Lost World is less good than Jurassic Park I.

7. Pamela is younger than the others pupils at school !

8. This museum is less famous than the Cathedral in town.

1. This book is more interesting than yours.

2. The weather today is worse than yesterday.

3. John is taller than his sisters.

4. This house is smaller than his flat.

5. This rose smells as sweet as yours.

6. The suitcase is heavier than the bag.

7. That car is less comfortable than a Rolls-Royce.

8. He is happier than my dog.

9. He is as strong as his father.

10. He is as intelligent as his brother.

11. The weather is less cold than today.

12. Tom's exercise is less difficult than Ben's.

Explications :

Comparatif de supériorité :

Adjectifs courts : adjectif + er + than (young => younger than)

Adjectifs avec consonne finale doublée : adjectif + consonne doublée + er + than (small => smaller than)

Adjectifs se terminant par -y : adjectif + i + er (pretty =< prettier)

Adjectifs longs : more + adjectif + than (interesting => more interesting than)

Exceptions : good => better, bad => worse, far => farther

Comparatif d'infériorité :

Less + adjectif + than (cold => less cold than)

Comparatif d'égalité :

As + adjectif + as (as strong as)

J'espère t'avoir aidé. Bon courage !

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