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Sagot :
Démarrer le débat :
First of all, I would like to say that...
To begin with, I’d like to point out that...
As a matter of fact, I think that... Weighing up the situation, I think...
To cut the preliminaries short...
To get down to the nitty-gritty...
Let’s get down to cases...
For starters...
By way of introduction, I will say that...
The rst thing that must be said is that...
Comment introduire son opinion :
To me...
As far as I know...
In my opinion...
As far as I am concerned...
To my eye...
For my part...
I believe that...
On the contrary, I think...
To tell you the truth, I think that...
I think it’s worth noting that...
It goes without saying that...
I have the feeling that...
I have the impression that...
Comment exprimer son accord :
I couldn’t agree more.
I concur with you on this point!
You are absolutely right!
I agree with you.
That’s right!
How true!
I’m with you there!
I take a similar view.
I’m entirely of your opinion.
Comment exprimer un doute sur ce qui vient d’être dit :
Yes, I suppose so, however...
Do you really think so?
Well, it depends.
Yes, in a way, but...
I only agree up to a point...
Personally, I think the best would be to say
I’m afraid it isn’t perfectly right.
Comment exprimer son désaccord :
I wish I could agree with you but...
I don’t think that...
We don’t see eye to eye...
We’re not on the same wavelength
Don’t you believe it!
Contrary to what you’re suggesting...
I don’t see it that way!
Unlike you, I think that...
I totally disagree with you...
No you’re wrong!
You’re mistaken!
You must be joking!
I’m dead against it!
Comment se donner du temps pour réfléchir :
Assuming this to be true...
As a matter of fact...
Actually, I think that...
What I’m trying to say is that... What I mean is...
Well, how shall I put it...
There’s no denying that...
I’d like to add that...
Anyway... / However that may be... You see... / You know...
Comment démontrer les différents aspects d’une question :
On the one hand..., On the other hand...
For one thing..., For another...
First (ly)..., Second..., Third...
... Whereas...
Paralleling that,
Moreover/Furthermore/Besides/In addition...
On second thoughts...
This brings us to the question of whether... or...
It would be convenient to divide the question into...
Lots of key issues arise;
one of them is...
For example/For instance...
Similarly/likewise. Conversely...
Comment conclure :
In conclusion...
To conclude...
To come to a conclusion...
To sum up/To summarize... Finally/Eventually/In the end...
To put it in a nutshell...
In short/In brief...
To use a famous quotation, I’ll say that...
All things considered...
To weigh the pros and cons...
All in all...
The long and the short of it...
To make a long story short...
To reach a consensus...
First of all, I would like to say that...
To begin with, I’d like to point out that...
As a matter of fact, I think that... Weighing up the situation, I think...
To cut the preliminaries short...
To get down to the nitty-gritty...
Let’s get down to cases...
For starters...
By way of introduction, I will say that...
The rst thing that must be said is that...
Comment introduire son opinion :
To me...
As far as I know...
In my opinion...
As far as I am concerned...
To my eye...
For my part...
I believe that...
On the contrary, I think...
To tell you the truth, I think that...
I think it’s worth noting that...
It goes without saying that...
I have the feeling that...
I have the impression that...
Comment exprimer son accord :
I couldn’t agree more.
I concur with you on this point!
You are absolutely right!
I agree with you.
That’s right!
How true!
I’m with you there!
I take a similar view.
I’m entirely of your opinion.
Comment exprimer un doute sur ce qui vient d’être dit :
Yes, I suppose so, however...
Do you really think so?
Well, it depends.
Yes, in a way, but...
I only agree up to a point...
Personally, I think the best would be to say
I’m afraid it isn’t perfectly right.
Comment exprimer son désaccord :
I wish I could agree with you but...
I don’t think that...
We don’t see eye to eye...
We’re not on the same wavelength
Don’t you believe it!
Contrary to what you’re suggesting...
I don’t see it that way!
Unlike you, I think that...
I totally disagree with you...
No you’re wrong!
You’re mistaken!
You must be joking!
I’m dead against it!
Comment se donner du temps pour réfléchir :
Assuming this to be true...
As a matter of fact...
Actually, I think that...
What I’m trying to say is that... What I mean is...
Well, how shall I put it...
There’s no denying that...
I’d like to add that...
Anyway... / However that may be... You see... / You know...
Comment démontrer les différents aspects d’une question :
On the one hand..., On the other hand...
For one thing..., For another...
First (ly)..., Second..., Third...
... Whereas...
Paralleling that,
Moreover/Furthermore/Besides/In addition...
On second thoughts...
This brings us to the question of whether... or...
It would be convenient to divide the question into...
Lots of key issues arise;
one of them is...
For example/For instance...
Similarly/likewise. Conversely...
Comment conclure :
In conclusion...
To conclude...
To come to a conclusion...
To sum up/To summarize... Finally/Eventually/In the end...
To put it in a nutshell...
In short/In brief...
To use a famous quotation, I’ll say that...
All things considered...
To weigh the pros and cons...
All in all...
The long and the short of it...
To make a long story short...
To reach a consensus...
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