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Sagot :
I think the girl who was found dead in Oxford was being stalked. She went to Dr. Hugh Puddephat, a professor at Oxford University, for help, but he did nothing to stop it. She was driven to suicide, and her brother, upon hearing of it, traveled to Paris to avenge his sister and murder the professor he held responsible. He strangled her, made her belongings disappear, then moved the body to a construction site.
voila j'espere t'avoir aider
croix moi je n'est pas utiliser google .
Réponse :
"I think the girl who was found dead in Oxford was being harassed. She asked for help from Dr. Hugh Puddephat, a professor at Oxford University, but he did nothing to stop it. She was driven to suicide, and her brother, upon learning of it, traveled to Paris to avenge her sister and murder the teacher he held responsible. He strangled him, made his things disappear, then moved the body to a construction site."
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