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1. What were you doing at 10 this morning? (have breakfast)
2. What was she doing when you saw her? (look through the window)
3. What were they doing when you phoned them? (have dinner)
4. What was he doing in that bar? (play the guitar) pourriez-vous m'aidez en anglais ? s'il vous plaît ?
il faut que réponds au questions suivantes ​

Sagot :


1: I was having breakfast at 10 this morning

2: She was looking throught the window when you saw her

3: They were having dinner when you phoned them

4: He was playing the guitar in that bar

Bonsoir :)

Réponse en explications étape par étape :

- Question : Answer the following questions :

1. What were you doing at 10 this morning ? (have breakfast).

====>  I was having breakfast at 10 this morning.

2. What was she doing when you saw her ? (look through the window).

====> She was looking throught the window when I saw her.

3. What were they doing when you phoned them ? (have dinner).

====> They were having dinner when I phoned them.

4. What was he doing in that bar ? (play the guitar).

====>  He was playing the guitar in that bar.


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