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bonjour, j'aurai besoins d'une personne forte en anglais qui pourrais me rediger un texte qui fais une publicité sur le titanic. merci je vous en serrais tres reconnaissant

Sagot :




Carla was born in

1893, she was 19 at the time (in 1912). She was Danish (from

Denmark). Her father was a butcher and she was a maid. She wanted to

settle in America probably because she wanted to start a new life.

She was travelling with her uncle, her brother and her fiancé. She

survived but her family didn’t.


was sharing a cabin with 3 other girls. She was sleeping when the

Titanic hit the iceberg. At 11.40, she felt a shock, but she went

back to sleep. After all, at the time, people believed that the

Titanic was unsinkable.Half

an hour later, her uncle knocked at her door and said that she'd

better come up on the deck. She put her coat on and went up.


the deck, there was no panic, the orchestra was playing. Women and

children went into the first lifeboats.


went into one of the last lifeboats. She was with 6 crew members who

were rowing the lifeboat. Around them, they could see the other

lifeboats and lots of icebergs. The ocean was quiet. Suddenly, they

heard a terrible noise. The ship broke in two and both parts rose in

the air. Then it sank. It was a frightful vision.


few hours later, Carla and the other survivors were picked up by the



New York, she sent a telegram to her father to say that she had

survived but that the other members of her family had not. Her father

told her to come back home immediately. She came back to Denmark a

month later and stayed there forever

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