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bonjour j’aurai besoin d’aide pour un devoir s’il vous plaît Je dois faire un dialogue entre la rencontre d’un détective et une assistante je dois faire ça en anglais si possible écriviez en français et je vais traduire en anglais merci bien

Sagot :

Where I am in my duty

Police: It was the nght of the New Year, the murder took place at 9:30 p.m, a woman has lost her boyfriend before is eyes

Police: It was New Years Eve, the murder took place around 9:30 p.m.

Detective: Ok, How is he dead?

Detective: Ok, how did he die?

Police: A ball.

Police: A bullet

Detective: Have you any of the witnesses at this time?

Detective: will he have passed by during this crime scene?

Police: Yes, an old lady wlaking her dog

Yes, an old lady who walked her dog

detective: Hi, I'm Commissioner Guido Brunetti and I'm in charge of investigating this case. "I will ask you a few questions".

detective: "." I'm going to ask you a few questions "

witness: I don't think I can help you much! everything happened very quickly… "

Witness: I don't think I can help you much! everything happened very quickly

detective: "we never know

detective: you never know

Rebus: Sit down please, “So, what is your name? “

Witness: “My name is maria Smith”

detective: - How old are you?

witness: -I am seventeen years old.

detective: - Did you know the victim?

detective: - Did you know the victim?

witness: - no

detective: Why were you on the place when the "accident" happened?

detective: Why were you at the place where the "accident" took place?

witness: Like every Saturday around 9.30 pm I was walking my dog

Witness: "Like every Saturday, around 9:30 p.m. I was walking my dog

detective: Have you seen or heard anything in particular before discovering the body?

detective: Very well. Did you see or hear anything in particular before discovering the body?

witness: I heard cries and threats but I did not know where they came from.

I heard screams and threats but didn't know where they came from.

detective: "I guess that you were very afraid

detective: "I guess you are very scared

witness: "Yes very afraid

Witness: "Yes, very scared

detective: What did you do after?

detective: What did you do next?

witness: I was afraid but I had to keep walking my dog and it was there that I saw a man. He was facing another person, much smaller.

witness: I was scared but they had to keep walking my dog and that's when I saw a man. He was facing another person, much smaller.

detective: An C: And then?

detective: and then?

M: The old man took something out of his pocket

"Excuse me I’m shocked, I heard noise like a bomb!

Oh my God! It was so horrible!

"M: The taller man took something out of his pocket" Excuse me I'm shocked I heard a noise like a bomb

! Temoin: And then he left calmly as if it were normal .. It was terrifying ..

I directly called the police ..

: and then he left calmly as if it was normal .. It was terrifying.

C: You have details to add on the murderer?

C: do you have any details to add on the murderer e?

Witness: He is a man have thirty years old and he is tall. Sorry I saw nothing more in the dark.

He's a man of thirty and he's tall. sorry I didn't see anything more in the dark.

C: Thank you for the information. Bye Madam

C: Thanks for the information. Bye Madam

Witness: Of nothing, good luck inspector! Bye

Witness: You're welcome, good luck inspector! Bye "