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write a story 400-450 words on anything plzzz help​

Sagot :

Helen is 16 and goes to a babysitting. Tonight she has to babysit the 3 children of a young couple who are away for the evening. When she arrives, they inform her that the children are already in bed and they won't be home late. Helen settles down on the sofa in the large mansion and opens a book. The phone rings, but when she picks up, no one is speaking on the other end of the line. A few minutes later, the phone rings again, and this time a chilling voice answers: "Did you go to see the children?" " then nothing.

Thinking it was the father calling her to see if everything was going well, she thought to herself that he was cut off and that he will call back. Indeed, a few minutes later the telephone rang: "Did you go to see the children?" The voice repeats. “Mr. Stuart? She asks, worried, but no one answers.

She decides to call the restaurant where her employers dine but is informed that they have been gone for 10 minutes. She then contacted the police, but they told her that they could do nothing against the telephone hoaxes. No sooner has she hung up than the stranger calls her again, "Why didn't you go see the children?" "

Frightened, she contacts the police again, assuring them that this stranger is there, nearby, that she can sense it. The agent on the other end of the line decides to take her number and reassures her, "Next time he calls you, we'll trace the origin of the call, okay Helen?" Above all, stay calm. "

Helen turns off the living room and locks herself in the kitchen, the phone beside her. He rings and this time she picks up right away - "What do you want with me in the end? "-" Why did you turn off the lights? "- " Who are you ? What do you want from me? "-" I see you you know. "-" Ok, fine, you scared me, it worked. Are you happy is that what you wanted? "- " No. What I want is to bathe in your blood. "

Helen hangs up abruptly, terrified, but the bell rings again. "LEAVE ME" she yells into the receiver. - "Helen, it's me, we've traced the call, you need to get out right away." The call comes from one of the rooms in the house. Get out immediately! "

She rushes to the door, and begins to unlock it, trembling. She panics, drops the key, picks it up, then gets up. She hears a noise behind her back and then sees a door open at the top of the stairs. A halo of light emerges from the children's room and she can clearly see the silhouette of a man standing, facing her.

Sorry si c’est long ces pour avoir au moins dépasser les 400-450 mots (si tu peux raccourcis !)
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