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Go to : nycgo.com, the official guide to New-York City, then, choose EN instead of FR (French) on the right side of the page in order to be connected to the site’s English version.You choose “afficher l’original” so that you have the English version and not the French one.
Then go to Explore, Attractions, go down with the mouse, browse all attractions at the bottom of the screen. You have got 378 attractions that you can view On the left side of the screen, you have got filters and you can have a look at all kinds of attractions by types.
This is the work that you have to do :
1) Out of all the 378 attractions that are featured today at New-York City, choose 5 and explain in two sentences, the reason why you would like to see them.
2) Go to the main page and go to “the Boroughs”, then answer the questions below :
a) How many boroughs are there in New York City ?
b) Name the boroughs in New York City.
c) How can you translate “borough” ?
d) Name two attractions that can be found in Manhattan
3) What is your favourite attraction and if you were a New-York city guide explain it to tourists. Use the WH words (what, where, who, when, how, why, when possible), (eight lines).

Sagot :

Réponse :


a)five boroughs

b) Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, and The Bronx.

c) Un quartier, arrondissemnt

d) Empire state building , The statue of Liberty

Explications :

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