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bonjour pouvez vous m'aider j'ai un DM à rendre pour lundi merci d'avance
écrire une histoire sur la fantaisie en anglais il faudra décrire le héros et son objectif qu'il atteindra ou pas à la fin

Sagot :


The hatch of the dungeon in which I had been held prisoner for several hours already creaked open. Worried, I suddenly stood up, raising a cloud of dust.

Someone hidden under a cloak burst into the room and pulled off their hood before I had time to react.

- Princess Romane! I exclaim, stunned. What are you doing here ?

"Rather, you should be answering this question," replied the elven princess, shaking her golden hair. You got caught trying to get my tiara back, right?

- Yes, I confessed sheepishly.

- You are the only one mad enough to have embarked on this quest, Romane sighed annoyingly, so I came to help you.

I couldn't believe it. I had wanted to retrieve the princess's tiara in the secret hope that she would notice me, and now we were going to team up!

- My name is Sylvain, I stammered.

- What about your power?

- I can levitate objects ...

- Well, said the princess, disappointed, that is not really useful… Besides, without my tiara, I only have half of my powers: I can just make myself invisible. We got off to a bad start!

So that's how she was able to reach me without getting caught. I was impressed. It was awesome as a power! I had to prove myself worthy of being his teammate. So, after a moment of thought, I proposed:

- The tiara is in a large room at the end of the rampart walk. There are two guards at the entrance. They are the ones who stopped me. I can fly your cloak in the other direction to create a diversion as we creep into the room.

Romane finally smiled, with a burst of mischief in her beautiful green eyes.

- Perfect, we do it like that.

We tumbled down the steps of the keep at full speed to the level of the rampart walk. There, the plan worked well. I levitated the princess's cloak and the two guards rushed to follow her. The way was clear.

We rushed into the great room, closing the door behind us.

We couldn't help but cry out in surprise. The room was huge and completely filled with mountains of treasures that shone brightly. We parted ways to look for the tiara.

It was hard to concentrate in the midst of these wonders, but the thought of teaming up with the Elven Princess gave me wings.

Suddenly I heard a loud scream and objects falling to the ground. I ran to see what was going on, trying to be quiet.

Misfortune ! Morlock himself had grabbed the princess by the foot as she was climbing a pile of trinkets. He pulled her unceremoniously to the floor with an icy sneer. Caught by surprise, she didn't even have time to make herself invisible!

"My dear princess," Morlock growled, "since the time I dream of meeting you. It's my lucky day, first I capture an elf, and lo and behold the princess is mine.

He was pulling harder and harder. I was thinking at full speed to find a way to rescue Romane. Why had she tried to climb over this pile of things?

I looked up. I get it. At the top of this mountain of treasures shone… the tiara!

"Stop struggling, sweetheart," Morlock stormed, tightening his grip on the elf's ankle, who moaned in pain.

At the same time, I managed to levitate the tiara. I screamed :

- Romane, be careful!

Morlock, surprised, turned around, and I took the opportunity to place the tiara on the princess's head.

Her golden hair became like flames. She smirked, raised her hands and hurled a giant ball of energy at Morlock who fell backwards.

I ran to join her and help her up, and we rushed towards the rampart walk. Alas, the guards had already returned to the door, with Romane's cloak which they eventually grabbed. Behind us, Morlock, recovered from the shock and surprise, was approaching dangerously close.

- Sylvain, I won't have enough energy to push everyone away indefinitely, the princess whispered. We have to get out of this. Can't you just happen to levitate people? she asked, sending a new ball of energy to the guards.

- No, I sighed, desperate.

Suddenly I had a brilliant idea. I grabbed the cloak the guards had dropped in shock at Romane's attack. I laid her on the floor.

- Climb on the cape, I shouted at Romane

- Sorry ? she asked, looking at me like I had gone completely crazy.

I pushed her over the cloak unceremoniously and climbed up next to her.

As long as it works ...

And it worked…

With my power, the cloak lifted off the ground, and so did we.

Romane sent one last ball of fire at an enraged Morlock as we quickly darted through the air on our flying cloak.

It was since that day that Romane and I decided to combine our powers. The adventures of the flaming haired princess and the flying elf had only just begun ...

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