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Quelqu’un peut m’aider s’il vous plaît pour cet exercice d’anglais

Quelquun Peut Maider Sil Vous Plaît Pour Cet Exercice Danglais class=

Sagot :


a) mouth =bouche

b) ears= oreilles

c) fingers= doigts

d) legs or feet = jambes ou pieds

e) nose =nez

f) head =tête

g) toes = orteils


a) can

b) must

c) can't

d) mustn't

e) must

f) mustn't


3) a) You put food in your mouth

b) You hear with your ears

c) At the end of your hands : fingers

d) You walk with your feet

e) Between your eyes and your mouth : your nose

f) Your hair is on your head.

g) At the end of your feet : toes

4) a) In the Tower, you can see the Crown Jewels.

b) You must listen to the guide.

c) During the visit, you can't use your phone

d) You musn't eat snacks in the souvenir shop

e) First, you must by a ticket

g) You musn't touch the torture instruments


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Bonne soirée à toi.