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S’il vous plaît quelqu’un pourrait m’aider à raconter un film d’horreur

Sil Vous Plaît Quelquun Pourrait Maider À Raconter Un Film Dhorreur class=

Sagot :

The little girl

The During a stormy night, no old man in sleep Was about one in the morning after the Having Listen newsletter on the radio when a strange little girl knocked on the door of his residence. IT Was one night dressed in white veil dress, long blond hair from curly Had very pale, pale skin and red eyes. Also, she dragged nonviolent Gale behind her. The man asked him why is it she dragged Outside at this hour. It Do Not answered him. He then asked him if she wanted to drink, eat ou. But What She answered him not a sign of disapproval head and left.

Morrow at The Same Time, The Same Old Man Had the visit of the little girl, he asked him la même chose Whether the day before and the girl Acts of the Saami Way That the previous day. The old man Baissa head and wondered But the girl disappeared when Eleva Had the look. , If he says "Bizarre". But he do not fit with that.

The next night he WAS Do Not Surprised That girl back. This Time it, he invited her to Stay for the night and to her surprise, she agreed. But that night the man in the form of insomnia and stood listening to the radio. The misfortune arrived, the message of the United Nations Coupa music font. Was the message This :. "Attention all, We inform you That strange little girl walks in the vicinity She Is dressed all in white and long blond curly hair, aussi, It A Red Eyes Elle. Was seen The Last Time in Acton Vale, So watch the Take if you see Him not Speak especially not and do not Invite you.

I park the little girl with red eyes! This IS A serial killer. Of a ghost, yes it is car died two years ago and returned it revenge. This girl has no heart, She Is cruel and merciless. Attention to it! "

Then the old man turned pour see if the girl was still asleep and saw her standing in front of It Being A sign of arms. The man fell dead. Legend says What When you go to spend the night in Acton Vale, it Should not Think especially the little girl with red eyes, Otherwise It Will come back during the night you murdered a gale that haunt and suit find them in the house where you forever

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