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[Niveau 5ème]
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Sagot :


No, I did not eat all the sweets, I ate only two

No she did not see the film in London, she saw it in Paris.

No, she did not learn english at, she learned english at home.

No she was not happy, she was sad.

No, she did not meet me in the street, she met me at a party.

No, it was not raining when he arrived, it was snowing.

Did Mary go to the shop yesterday?

when will mr Smith arrive?

what color and brand's car is Bob driving?

Can they speak english?

when is she going to Birmingham?


when you use did, the verb after is in singular.

Réponse :

Ex A.

A. No, I only ate two sweets.

B. No, she saw the film in France.

C. No, I learnt English at home.

E. No, I was sad..

G.  No, we met at a party.

H. No, it was snowing when I arrived.

Ex B.

1. Did Mary go to the shop yesterday?

3. When will Mr Smith arrive in London?

4. What does Bob drive?

5. Can they speak English?

6. When will she go to Birmingham?


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