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Bonsoir je n’arrive pas à compléter l’exercice 4. Complete the text using the appropriate relative word.
Nelson Mandela was the man
changed South Africa South Africa was a country
was racially divided; it was a country
black people were
denied basic rights. This situation happened
other people thought they were superior.

Bonsoir Je Narrive Pas À Compléter Lexercice 4 Complete The Text Using The Appropriate Relative Word Nelson Mandela Was The Man Changed South Africa South Afric class=

Sagot :



N.M was the man who change South Africa

S.O was a country where ...

It was a country where ...

This situation happened when...

Réponse :

Nelson Mandela was the man WHO changed South Africa. South Africa was a country THAT was racially divided; it was a country WHERE black people were denied basic rights. This situation happened BECAUSE other people thought they were superior.