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Alice springs, also called “ the Alice '', is in the Northern territory, in the outback. It’s the second largest city of the northern territory. Alice springs is located at one thousand and five hundred miles of Darwin and a little over of Adelaïde, there are around twenty-five thousand people whose 17% are represented for the aboriginals. The weather is arid, there is a lot of rainfall and these are causing floods. In Alice springs, you can observe the desert from an unalike viewpoint.

Red Center Way is Northern Territory's most iconic trip, stretching from Alice Spring to Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park. You can also take a hot air balloon ride in the Outback
90 miles out of town to the local swimming spot.

Ellery Creek Big Hole, there will be a magnificent expanse of ocher soil and soft green eucalyptus trees. Ormiston Gorge is a quiet place known for its ghost gum trees and white sand covered waterhole.

There's Kings Canyon Rim Walk, a 6.4 miles trail with stunning views of sheer sandstone cliffs, palm-filled crevices, the valley floor, and the desert.

Merci d'avance. ​

Sagot :

Alice Springs, also known as "the Alice", is located in the Northern Territory, in the Outback. It is the second largest city in the Northern Territory. It is located one thousand five hundred miles from Darwin and a little above Adelaide, there are about twenty-five thousand people, 17% of whom are represented by aborigines. The climate is arid, there is a lot of rainfall and this causes flooding. In Alice Springs, you can observe the desert from a different point of view.

The Red Center Way is the Northern Territory's most iconic tour, stretching from Alice Spring to Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park. You can also take a hot air balloon ride in the outback.

90 miles from the city, you'll find the local swimming hole.

At Ellery Creek Big Hole, there will be a beautiful expanse of ochre earth and soft green eucalyptus trees. Ormiston Gorge is a quiet spot known for its ghostly gum trees and white sandy waterhole.

There's Kings Canyon Rim Walk, a 6.4-mile trail with stunning views of sheer sandstone cliffs, palm-filled crevices, the valley floor and the desert.

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