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Coucou ^^ J'ai un devoir d'anglais, il faut faire un dialogue sur une investigation enfin bref voila ce que j'ai écrit :

Sam Park just got kidnapped in march 8th 2021. His father is worried and decides to call the police. The London police sends the detective Jojo, the most effective girl for solving kidnapping investigations. At 8 p.m., detective Jojo arrives to Sam's father office.

"Hello, Mr. Park."
"Detective Jojo! I was waiting for you ! You must help me !"
"What's happening, Mr. Park ?"
"Someone kidnapped my son!"
"Could you give me your son's surname, first name, age and address."
"His name is Sam, Sam Park, he is 18 years old and lives with me."
"All right. Calm down and tell me when did you last see your son? Was he different than usual ?"
"I'm not sure. He was with his girlfriend, everything was going well, I think."
"Did you know his girlfriend?"
"He didn't say anything to me but he seemed tense with her. She told me she was his girlfriend, but Sam never mentioned her; maybe she lied to me."
"I'm writing it all down. Do you have any other details? Maybe it can give me some clues."
"I got a phone call, I heard the voice of a young woman saying that she has my son as a hostage and requesting 14 million pounds! Or she'll take him to South Korea and keep him in a bunker."
"I'll locate the number. Could you please spell it for me?"
"Ok. I am locating it."
"Hurry, my son is in danger !"
"I have located the call ! It comes from a location not far from here! Looks like an abandoned warehouse..."
"Let's not waste anymore time!"

j'ai pas d'idée pour la suite pourriez vous me donner des idées juste ? meme en francais hein c'est que je suis pas detective et du coup j'ai pas trop didée ><

merci beaucoup ^^

Sagot :


- "The call was made from a Korean disposable phone, so they sure will definitely take it to Korea if we don't do anything ..."

- "But it's horrible, for the sake of god stop this mobsters"

- "We will search all planes departing for Korea or Asia, and we will check all future and current flight logs, maybe they have already left in the worst case."

- "I should have taken more care of my son, educated him better about kidnapping and how to avoid it, i am so confused"

- "Don't blame yourself Mr.Park, look ! I just got a message ! By searching the aircraft logs we found something suspicious and by searching in that direction we were able to find the address where your son is locked up."

- "Ho thank god you are not the greatest detective in kidnapping for nothing, i can never thank you enough for what you just did !"

- "You will thank me when you are with your son, come with me we will observe the intervention and safe your son"


j'imagine que ça devrait être assez

Traduction :

- "L'appel a été passé à partir d'un téléphone jetable coréen, donc ils l'emmèneront sûrement en Corée si nous ne faisons rien ..."

- "Mais c'est horrible, pour l'amour de Dieu arrêtez ces bandits"

- "Nous allons chercher tous les avions au départ pour la Corée ou l'Asie, et vérifier tous les registres de vol futurs et actuels, peut-être qu'ils sont déjà partis, dans le pire des cas."

- "J'aurais dû prendre plus soin de mon fils, mieux l'instruire sur les kidnappings et comment les éviter, je suis tellement confus"

- "Ne vous blâmez pas Monsieur Park, regardez ! Je viens de recevoir un message ! En cherchant dans les registres des avions nous avons trouvé quelque chose de suspect et en creusant la piste, nous avons pu déterminer l'adresse où votre fils est enfermé."

- "Ho Dieu merci, vous n'êtes pas le plus grand inspecteur en kidnapping pour rien, je ne pourrai jamais assez vous remercier pour ce que vous venez de faire !"

- "Vous me remercierez lorsque vous serez avec votre fils, venez avec moi nous allons observer l'intervention et sauver votre fils"

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