Obtenez les meilleures solutions à vos questions sur Laurentvidal.fr, la plateforme de Q&R de confiance. Expérimentez la commodité d'obtenir des réponses précises à vos questions grâce à une communauté dévouée de professionnels. Obtenez des réponses rapides et fiables à vos questions grâce à notre communauté dédiée d'experts sur notre plateforme.

Aider moi stp stp stp I am doing (present continuous) and I do (present
watch television
He mor play the guitar
But Jim has a guitar
He often play it and he play very well.
Jim the guitar
but he
the guitar now
Is he playing the guitar? No,
Does he play the guitar? Yes,
Answer the questions about the pictures,
I'm a
We are teachers.
I'm a photographer.
I'm a
1 Does he take photographs
Yes, he does. Is he taking a photograph? No he isn't.....
What is he doing? He's having a bath.
? Does she drive a bus?
Is she driving a bus?
What is she doing?
3 Does he clean window's?
Is he cleaning a window?
What is he doing?
+ Do they teach?
Are they teaching?
What are they doing?
Put in am/is/are/do/don't/does/doesn't
1 Excuse me, ...
you speak English?
2 'Have a cigarette.' 'No, thank you, I
you laughing at me?
4 'What
she do?' 'She's a dentist.'
want to go our. It ......... raining
6. 'Where
you come from?' 'From Canada.'
7 How much
... it cost to send a letter to Canada?
$ I can't talk to you at the rioment. I....... working
9 George is a good tennis plaver but he play very often
3 Why

Aider Moi Stp Stp Stp I Am Doing Present Continuous And I Do Present Simple Watch Television He Mor Play The Guitar But Jim Has A Guitar He Often Play It And He class=

Sagot :


Hey hey,


No, he is not

Yes, he does


  • No she doesn't ; she's playing piano
  • Yes he does ; yes he is ; he's cleaning a window
  • Yes they do ; no they're not ; they're watching TV


  1. That's correct
  2. Don't smoke
  3. Are
  4. Does
  5. Don't ; is
  6. Do
  7. Does
  8. Am
  9. Doesn't

Voilà voilà :)

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