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Bonjour, j'ai un devoir d'anglais et je souhaiterais savoir si j'ai fais des fautes d'orthographe :

Oral presentation :

Did you know that during the first lockdown, the digital influence has increased.

Do you think you can guess how much global internet use has increase ?

A. 45% B. 70% C. 90%

Actually, it jumped to nearly 70%.

The article I am presenting today entitled « L’Influence Marketing après crise : ce qui va changer » was taken from « Kolsquare ». There is no date or author but it was published recently because it talk about the lockdown’s consequences on digital influence.

So, first, I’m going to talk about how the digital became unmissable in our society and then I will explain how the brands had to change their marketing strategy.

Those applications became place of entertainment, a way to covey messages, as we saw with the social movement BLM or also a place to create and maintain a relationship with subscribers. Digital replaces today the physical events cancelled because of corona virus. If we didn’t want to be cut off the world, we had to adapt ourselves to all those changes.

Plus, the crisis showed the importance of digital in the communication strategies for brands, all sectors concerned.

If they want to continue to exercise an influence, they had to accelerate their digital transformation by developing their presence on social media thanks to post, video, IGTV or by working with influencer, also call KOLs which means Key Opinion Leaders.

For the influencer, they need to be creative and propose original content using story telling for example, to create a close link with their subscribers.

So, to sum up what I said, the lockdown and social distancing have led to a big transformation in all forms of communication and forced all companies to adapt themselves to a new digital influence.

Thank you for your attention

Now, I’m going to ask you a few questions to get your opinion on the subject :

First, do you think the evolution of digital influence it’s a good thing ?

Then, in your opinion, what are the risks and the dangers of those changes ?

Merci beaucoup

Sagot :


Bonsoir, voilà j'ai vérifié l'orthographe de ton texte il y avait des erreur que j'ai corriger.


Oral presentation:

Did you know that during the first lockdown, the digital influence has increased.

Do you think you can guess how much global internet use has increased?

A. 45% B. 70% C. 90%

Actually, it jumped to nearly 70%.

The article I am presenting today entitled « L’Influence Marketing après cruise: Ce qui VA changer » was taken from « Kolsquare ». There is no date or author, but it was published recently because it talks about the Lockdown’s consequences of digital influence.

So, first, I’m going to talk about how the digital became unmissable in our society and then I will explain how the brands had to change their marketing strategy.

Plus, the crisis showed the importance of digital in the communication strategies for brands, all sectors concerned.

If they want to continue to exercise an influence, they had to accelerate their digital transformation by developing their presence on social media thanks for post, video, IGTV or by working with influencer, also call KOLs which means Key Opinion Leaders.

For the influencer, they need to be creative and propose original content using storytelling, for

 exmple, to create a close link with their


So, to sum up what I said, the lockdown and social distancing have led to a big transformation in all forms of communication and forced all companies to adapt themselves to a new digital influence.

Thank you for your attention

Now, I’m going to ask you a few questions to get your opinion on the subject:

First, do you think the evolution of digital influence it’s a good thing?

Then, in your opinion, what are the risks and the dangers of those changes?

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