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23.1 Complete the phrasal verbs. Remember to put the verb into the correct form.
1 I don't think they ever found .......out how the man escaped.
2 The children went round the school and ......
up all the rubbish.
3 This milk smells horrible; I think it has ........
4 l rang the tourist information office but I couldn't ..........
through. It's
engaged all the time.
5 The relationship was difficult at first, but I think she .......
on with him
quite well now.
6 If she's still ill tomorrow, we'll have to ........
off the trip to France until
later in the month.
7 I agreed to ......
after my sister's cat when she goes to France.
8 We can .......
on with this exercise while the others are in the library,
9 Our English teacher said we should ......
through the textbook by the
of the course,
10 I'm afraid this photocopier has ......
out of paper, but you can use the
in my office.

Est ce que vous pouvez m’aider à remplir, ce sont des verbes phrasal ?

Sagot :



Réponse :

1 I don't think they ever found out how the man escaped.

( to find out = découvrir/trouver )

2 The children went round the school and picked up all the rubbish.

( to pick up = ramasser )

3 This milk smells horrible; I think it has gone off.

( to go off = « tourner » / perdre son goût )

4 l rang the tourist information office but I couldn't get through. It's

engaged all the time.

( to get through =  joindre / avoir au téléphone )

5 The relationship was difficult at first, but I think she is getting on with him

quite well now.

( to get on with someone = s’entendre avec quelqu'un )

6 If she's still ill tomorrow, we'll have to put off the trip to France until

later in the month.

( to put off = remettre à plus tard )

7 I agreed to look after my sister's cat when she goes to France.

( to look after = s’occuper de )

8 We can go on with this exercise while the others are in the library,

( to go on = continuer/poursuivre )

9 Our English teacher said we should look through the textbook by the end

of the course,

( to look through = parcourir un document/livre …. )

10 I'm afraid this photocopier has run out of paper, but you can use the

in my office.

( to run out of = ne plus rester de / ne plus avoir de …)

Explications :

to get on with someone = s'entendre avec quelqu'un

to get along with someone = s'entendre avec quelqu'un/s'accorder

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