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Svpppp aider moiiii j’arrive pas
Raconter un conte de Disney en utilisant le prétérit simple et be+ v ing et des mots de liaison svppp merci d’avance

Sagot :

Je peux pas trop te aider mais tape sur la barre de recherche et scanne t’a question c sûr il y a le même exercice

Réponse :

Alors je t'ai choisi "The little Mermaid", "La petite sirène". Après avoir terminé de copier, je me suis rendue compte que je n'avais pas vraiment respectée les contraintes. Il y a du prétérit simple mais pas vraiment du be+ v-ing . Je m'en excuse. Après si c'est réellement important, tu peux modifier toi même, ça t'entrainera en plus, donc bon..

C'est bien un résumé de la vraie histoire, il y a du vocabulaire peut être un peu compliqué donc tu pourras chercher leur signification au cas où ta prof te demande.

Voilà, j'espère avoir pu t'aider :)

The Little Mermaid lives in a kingdom under the sea with her father, grandmother and five sisters among the seafarers. She dreams of the world of men while listening to her grandmother's stories.

On their fifteenth birthday, the mermaids are allowed to spend a day on the surface to observe men and their world. When this day arrives for the Little Mermaid, she witnesses the sinking of the prince's ship during a storm and decides to save him by bringing him ashore. But she runs away and plunges back into the sea when she sees a young woman approaching. When the prince wakes up, he sees this young woman and thinks that she has saved him. In order to seduce the prince, the Little Mermaid wants to go back to the surface and goes to see the Sea Witch, who offers to exchange her voice for legs. However, the witch warns the Little Mermaid that she will die if the prince marries another. Once on the shore, she drinks the potion that transforms her tail into human legs. She then finds the prince who still has in mind the one he believes to be his savior. Despite her many charms, without her voice, she only manages to befriend the prince.

When he meets the one to whom he is promised, he realizes that she is the one he takes for his savior and instantly falls in love with her. On the evening of the prince's wedding, which is celebrated on a boat, the little mermaid sees her sisters hand him a knife: if she kills the prince, she will find his tail and live. However, too much in love, she doesn't succeed and throws herself into the sea to die, but instead of remaining frothy, she rises into the sky and becomes a girl of the air.

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