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Replace the missing words: True, adaptation, classics, scenes, reviews, supporting, cast,
set, special effects, directed, plot, script. popcorn, location, box office, Hollywood,
cameraman, Oscar, scores, movies, films, producer, bloopers, dubbed, genre, choreographers
1) The actor who won the Oscar has been
similar roles before.
2) She didn't get the main actor award, but she did win
the award for best
3) I love watching all the old Hollywood
4) His new film is
in Africa.
5) It was shot on
in France.
6) There are some violent
in this horror
7) It's a thriller, so the
has a lot of twists and turns.
8) It's a -to-life story, based on real events.
9) The film is an
of a Charlotte Bronte novel.
10)The film was well received and got some rave Barrah
11) The best actor got up on stage, received his
and made his winning
speech. He had never felt prouder! He had won the top prize!
12) The famous
a very wealthy man, put the money up to ensure the film
was made.
13) Clint Eastwood acted in the spaghetti westerns and he also
14) What was great about the film Avatar were the
The same is true
of Jurassic Park and many other Sci Fi films.
15) Ennio Moricone was a brilliant musician who wrote many prize-winning
mainly for Westerns.
16) The famous actress read the film
carefully and decided to accept t
title role. It could have been written for her!
17) To get the long-angled shot that was needed, the
had to move awa
from the action.
18) The funniest
were collected and made into a TV programme.
19) The film was a huge success and made a fortune at the
20) There was a lot of dancing in the hit musical and there were two
showed the dancers the steps.
21) The film was shot in English and
into Chinese.
22) Americans go see
and Brits go and see
is the go-to (usual) snack for film goers.
is the destination for wannabe movie stars.
25) What is your favourite film
? Mine is horror!
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Sagot :

1) scores
2) supporting
3) set
4) dubbed
5) location
6) scenes
7) plot
8) true
9) adaptation
10) reviews
11) Oscar
12) producer, cast
13) directed
14) special effects
15) classics
16) script
17) cameraman
18) bloopers
19) box office
20) choreographers
22) movies, films
23) pop-corn
24) Hollywood
25) genre
