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bonjour pouvez vous m'aider a répondre a ses question grâce a l'image ?
What atmosphere is created ?

What suppositions can we make about the man/woman’s situation ?

What symbols ? (cette photo vous fait-elle penser à un autre document ?) 

Bonjour Pouvez Vous Maider A Répondre A Ses Question Grâce A Limage What Atmosphere Is Created What Suppositions Can We Make About The Manwomans Situation What class=

Sagot :



The Lincoln monument helps convey the political subject matter and the Washington DC setting.

The women's knuckles are bloody, as if she has been punching people -- helping the image tie in with the "exact his revenge" bit.

The upside-down US flag perhaps suggests the show is set at a time of crisis (upside-down flag is a sign for distress at sea, as troubled boats turn their flags upside-down) -- or perhaps that the women's character is using her position in US government toward twisted ends.