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BONSOIR !!! POUR DEMAIN SVP , aidez moi a mettre les verbes conjugué au preterit , merciiii bcp d'avance : 1ere partie :

Article 1: What is slavery?

Slavery is a legal and social system which applies the right of property to individuals, known as slaves. In contrast, an individual who is not the subject of such a property right is said to be free. The owner of a slave is called a master.

When to start slavery?

Slavery in the United States (1619-1865) From the installation of the first British colonists in Virginia at the beginning of the 17th century to the adoption of the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution, a look back at 246 years of slavery in the United States .

Who started slavery?

From the discovery of South America by Christopher Columbus in 1492, slavery began to develop, the navigator Henri bringing back Indians to Spain.

Where was slavery born?

For centuries, Africans have mainly been taken across the Sahara to the countries of the Arab world, where they become slaves, and also to their colonies of Madeira in Cape Verde.

How did slavery come about?

Colonial-type slavery appeared in the mid-15th century


Sagot :

Article 1: What is slavery?

Slavery was a legal and social system which applied the right of property to individuals, known as slaves. In contrast, an individual who was not the subject of such a property right was said to be free. The owner of a slave was called a master.

When to start slavery?

Slavery in the United States (1619-1865) From the installation of the first British colonists in Virginia at the beginning of the 17th century to the adoption of the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution, a look back at 246 years of slavery in the United States .

Who started slavery?

From the discovery of South America by Christopher Columbus in 1492, slavery began to develop, the navigator Henri brang back Indians to Spain.

Where was slavery born?

For centuries, Africans had took across the Sahara to the countries of the Arab world, where they became slaves, and also to their colonies of Madeira in Cape Verde.

How did slavery come about?

Colonial-type slavery appeared in the mid-15th century

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