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write a different ending for the story of chicken licken
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Write A Different Ending For The Story Of Chicken Licken Pouviez Vous Maider Svpmerci Davance class=

Sagot :


Chicken Lucken , Henny Penny , Ducky Lucky and Goosey loosey run down the road . suddenly the rain start falling . everybody was frightened no talked then a tree said : "DO NOT GO INTO THE HIDDEN FOREST OR YOU ALL GONNA DIE " . ducky lucky was shaking and decided to say in the village . but chicken Lucken had a strong will and he continued toward the castle of the king . 10 min later they were lost in the middle of the forest . Goosey loosey tried some magic spell but none of them worked . everyone started complaining and crying they decided to return except chiken lucken . the rain start falling again then the clouds said : chiken lucken you are very strong to continue alone it's for that I'll offer you my help ! once arrived to the river say : babidi babidi bou and they will show you the road ! chiken lucken thanked the clouds and run to the rivers ! but a fox eated mr lucken . the fox continued the road then he arrived to the river but he couldn't pass . mr lucken said to the fox i know how to pass dont swallow me and I'll help you . chicken lucken was free then he said out loud babidi babidi bou the river made a path for mr chicken lucken but when the fox wanted to pass the river closed that path .

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