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Bonjour à tous j’ai besoin d’aide pour mon devoir d’Anglais svp
Merci d’avance à ceux qui m’aideront c’est vraiment important svp c pour lundi

Final task:
Write your own detective story, it must include: The character (s), the setting, the main event, the circumstances of the event (when did it happen? Is there a
witness? Who found the body?...), the atmosphere, the different clues. (15 lignes)
Victim’s name, age and job Time of death
Murder weapon
Evidence found on the crime scene Main suspect? Why?
Place: where did it happen?
What was the victim doing when he/she was killed Who has found the body?
> Utiliser les verbes au prétérit/prétérit be + v-ing
> Utiliser les modaux de probabilité
> Utiliser le lexique en rapport avec crime/investigation

Bonne journée

Sagot :


My name is ... and I am a detective. I have been called on a crime scene to investigate a murder. By reading the documents they gave me, I can see that the murder happened during a party.

The victim is Charles Evan. He was 19 years old and he was a student at a reputable university. The estimated time of death is 11:30 p.m.

Apparently, the lights went of all of a sudden and during that time, that's when the crime took place.

The victim was found under a table, stabbed by a thin ( fin ) object. The murder weapon is not found right now. That is all I know, so I came on the crime scene right away.

There is multiples witness, among them the guests and the chef ( or the cook ). All the guests told me that the lights suddenly went off and when they were on again, one of them, Ariana, found the body under the table and immediately called the cops. They all said they were panicking when the lights were off, and everybody's voices where noticed except for one person who were apparently at the restroom.

By looking at the corps, I noticed multiples things :

The victim was wearing a night-vision goggles ( des lunettes pour voir dans le noir) when he died.

( A pool of blood formed around the body underneath the table was found. tu n'es pas obligée d'écrire ça )

A lot of blood was splattered against the inside of the tablecloth.

A bloodstained tablecloth was found randomly stuffed inside the laundry hamper.

The floors of the dining hall were full of gaps. Henri, one of the guest, dropped one of his earrings through these gaps, to recover his earring, he found a way in the kitchen that leads under the floor.

The main suspect, at first, was probably Anna. She was in the restroom during all the party and saw nothing. But the case is more complex actually.

The truth is that the culprit shouted the lights off and went under the floor by using the way in the kitchen. With a flashlight, which was hidden by the tablecloth he use in order to keep his clothes clean, he walked under the floor and while everyone screamed, he screamed as well, in that way, everyone thought he was with them.

Because the floor were full of gaps, he managed to stab his victim from his emplacement. Then, he came back and act normally, as if nothing happened.

But why did the victim was under the table ? It was a trap from the culprit. He told to Charles that a murder will happen at that time, so Charles decided to keep an eye on everyone, which explain the night-vision goggles. He was attracted by the sound of a knife falling under the table, a sound he was the only one to ear, and went to see what happened. In that moment, he was attacked.

And the killer was the cook, how replaced the murder weapon, a thin blade hidden in a piece of meat, in the kitchen. He quickly admitted his crime and was arrested. He also explained that the sound of the knife falling was due to a sound effect and bu chance, only Charles heard it.

Tu peux couper des parties si c'est trop long haha