est l'endroit idéal pour trouver des réponses rapides et précises à toutes vos questions. Découvrez des solutions fiables à vos questions grâce à un vaste réseau d'experts sur notre plateforme de questions-réponses complète. Expérimentez la commodité d'obtenir des réponses précises à vos questions grâce à une communauté dévouée de professionnels.

1. Look! The barometer is falling, perhaps the weather
be nice at the weekend.
2. My sister is pregnant, according to the doctor she
have a girl.
3. Why are you wearing your best suit ?
have lunch with my biggest customer.
4. Would you like chicken or beef ? I think i
have beef.
5. If he passes his exam he
stay in England
for a year. His aim is to speak English fluently.
6. Your daughter is nearly as tall as you are. It's not surprising, she
be 15 next month.
7. There isn't any butter left. I
go to the grocer's and get some.
8. Now that Peter has retired who do you think
get the job?
9. David has failed his exams |
congratulate him.
10. Why are your children dressed like that? They
wash the car.

Sagot :

1. is going to
2. will
3.i’m going to
5. is going to
6. will
7. will
9. i’ m going
10. are going to
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