
Bienvenue sur Laurentvidal.fr, le site où vous trouverez les meilleures réponses de la part des experts. Explorez des réponses détaillées à vos questions de la part d'une communauté d'experts dans divers domaines. Connectez-vous avec une communauté d'experts prêts à vous aider à trouver des solutions précises à vos interrogations de manière rapide et efficace.

Hello! Can you help me please Exercise
Fill in the blanks with one of the nouns in brackets:
1 The ancient
of Greece is an interesting subject.
(story, history)
2 His
was swollen and he couldn't get his shoe
on. (foot, leg)
3 The strong
spoilt the game. (wind, air)
4 Mr Brown is my lawyer and I've been his
many years. (customer, client)
5 We've been given a long
to learn by heart.
(poem, poetry)
6 She can play the violin and other
(organs, instruments)
7 The
of Switzerland is very beautiful.
(scene, scenery)
8 There wasn't much
anywhere. (shade, shadow)
9 The ship was sunk in the
of the Atlantic.
(middle, centre)
10 The students will do a
at the end of the year.
(theatre, play)

Sagot :

1 The ancient history
of Greece is an interesting subject.
2 His foot
was swollen and he couldn't get his shoe
3 The strong wind
spoilt the game.
4 Mr Brown is my lawyer and I've been his client for
many years.
5 We've been given a long poem
to learn by heart.
6 She can play the violin and other instruments
7 The scene
of Switzerland is very beautiful.
8 There wasn't much shade
9 The ship was sunk in the middle
of the Atlantic.
10 The students will do a play
at the end of the year.
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