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Heyy Please help mee and thank you
imagine what night happen that made you grateful to your neighbour​

Sagot :

Hey, moi aussi j’ai eu ce sujet avant et j’ai écrit ça:

One night my parents left me alone at home because they had to work and couldn’t find a babysitter. Everything was okay until I heard some weird noises coming from outside in the middle of the night. It scared me a little but I thought it would pass anyways. But one hour later the same noise woke me up and it was even louder than the time before! I felt like someone was trying to get in my house from the door that leads to the garden! I was scared to death! So I ran as fast as I could to my neighbour’s house and rang their doorbell. The opened the door immediately and asked me if I was okay. I explained them what was going on and they went to check in my garden if there was something. It turned out it was just somebody else’s cat! I was really relieved. That made me feel really grateful for my neighbours !

Voilà c’est une expérience personnelle et tu peux la reprendre pour ton devoir si ça t’intéresse! J’espère que ça t’aura aidé :)
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