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Bonsoir quelqun peut me traduire ça sans aller forcément sur Google traduction ?? Merci beaucoup d’avance :
8 il y’a eu beaucoup de conséquences à long terme et sur la société , contre les noirs. Comme l’histoire d’Emmett till qui a été tuer par deux hommes blanc pour une histoire où la femme d’un des monsieur avait menti. Ils ont arracher les yeux du jeune de 14 ans , ils l’ont défigurer et jeter dans une rivière
Le 5 décembre, Rosa Parks passe en jugement. La veille, des dizaines de milliers de tracts avaient été distribués à Montgomery, demandant aux Afro-Américains de boycotter les bus. Pendant un an et seize jours, des dizaines de milliers de personnes, parmi lesquelles quelques concitoyens à la peau « blanche », marchèrent sans jamais employer les transports publics. Des taxis « noirs » transportèrent leurs clients au tarif du bus. Des collectes organisées à travers tout le pays permirent l'achat de chaussures et la mise en place d'un réseau « parallèle » de minibus
Mais les actes racistes se multiplièrent, comme l'incendie de la maison de Martin Luther King, de violentes répressions... Sous la pression des militants des droits civiques, la Cours suprême annule la ségrégation dans les bus le 13 novembre 1956

9 Rosa Parks est aujourd’hui morte .

10 Elle a réalisé un parcours incroyable et a été un décousue pour les afro-américains. Grâce à elle , et à d’autres personnes qui ont eu le même geste auparavant, il y’a une la fin de la ségrégation raciale , en tout cas , légalement. Rosa reste un symbole emblématique de la lutte contre le racisme , ségrégation, discrimination.

Sagot :

Réponse :

There are a lot of long term consequences and on society, against the black community. Just like the story of Emmett till that was killed by two white men for a story where the woman of one of the men lied. They ripped the eyes of the young 14 year old. They completely disfigured him and threw him off in a river.

On December 5th, Rosa Parks passes t judgment. The night before, 10 of thousands of posters have been given/ distributed in Montgomery, asking the Afro-Americans to boycott the buses. During a year and 16 days, dozens of thousands of people,  among witch some fellow citizens of ''white'' skin, walked without ever using public transport. “black taxis'' transported their clients at the bus fare. Organized collections all around the country have allowed the purchases and the establishment of a ''parallel'' network of minibuses . But the racial acts and crimes were multiplied, just like the fire of the house of Martin Luther King, violent repressions..... Under the pressure of militants of civil rights, the supreme court cancels the segregation in the buses on November 13th 1956.

Rosa Parks died today.

She has achieved an amazing course and has been disjointed for the Afro-Americans.

Thanks to her, and to other people that had the same actions as her before. It had been the end of the racial segregation, in any case, legally, Rosa stays an emblematic symbol of a fight against racism, segregation and discrimination.


there have been a lot of long term consequences on the society, against the blacks. Like the story of Emmett till who was killed by two white men for a story where the wife of one of the men had lied. They gouged out the 14 year old's eyes, disfigured him and threw him into a river.

On December 5, Rosa Parks goes on trial. The day before, tens of thousands of leaflets had been distributed in Montgomery, asking African-Americans to boycott buses. For a year and 16 days, tens of thousands of people, including a few "white" fellow citizens, walked without ever using public transportation. Black" cabs transported their customers at the bus fare. Shoe collections were organized throughout the country to buy shoes and a "parallel" network of minibuses was set up.

But racist acts multiplied, such as the burning down of Martin Luther King's house, violent repressions... Under pressure from civil rights activists, the Supreme Court annulled bus segregation on November 13, 1956.

Rosa Parks is now dead .

She had an incredible journey and was a bit of a mess for African-Americans. Thanks to her, and other people who have done the same before, there is an end to racial segregation, at least legally. Rosa remains an emblematic symbol of the fight against racism, segregation and discrimination.

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