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Bonjour quelqun pourrais m’aider svp à répondre au question suivante merci :

•what did the grandmother call birds ?

•what was something the little mermaid saw from her window ?

•how old dis each mermaid have to be before she could above the sea ?

•how long did the little mermaid have to wait to go above the sea ?

•what was something the first sister heard when she went above the sea ?

Bonjour Quelqun Pourrais Maider Svp À Répondre Au Question Suivante Merci What Did The Grandmother Call Birds What Was Something The Little Mermaid Saw From Her class=

Sagot :

Réponse :

what did the grandmother call birds ?

Her grandmother called the birds ''fishes''

what was something the little mermaid saw from her window ?

She looked up through the dark window the fish splashing . The moon and the stars, then she saw a black cloud that either seamed like a big whale or a ship

how old did each mermaid have to be before she could above the sea ?

each mermaid had to be 15 years old so she could rise up above the sea

how long did the little mermaid have to wait to go above the sea ?

The youngest would have to wait 5 years before her turn came up.

what was something the first sister heard when she went above the sea ?

Listening to the sounds of music , the noise of carriages, the voices of human beings, and the merry pealing of the bells in the church steeples

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