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what is in your opinion the best way or ways to learn English ? It Is by reading books, using the internet ,Listening to English song or watching English movies and plays

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Sagot :

hi ;)

Explications :

i think that they are all good to learn english but the best is to listen or reed

because it help you memory to learn more and you can read or write in several ways you can read comics or otherwise watch series or cartoons in english its going to help you and the more interested you are faster you learn

My opinion on the best way of learning English is by reading books and wathcing english movies and plays beacuse by reading books, you can learn new words and add them to your vocabulary and by watching movies and plays, you can learn how to make dialogues and undestand better when others are speaking because you get used to people speaking.

J'espère que ça vous a aidé, merci :)