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Pouvait vous m'aidait pour un devoir en Anglais de niveaux 4 éme ??

Rephrase the following sentences with the suggested beginning:

6. Some farmers are overusing chemicals in their crops.
7. Europe was consuming too much oil when the economic crisis broke out.
Too much oil...
8. Environmentalists were saving endangered species after the oil spill.
Endangered species...
9. Climate changes have caused the rise of temperature in many areas.
The rise...
10.Deforestation has destroyed some rainforest ecosystems.
Some rainforest ecosystems...

Sagot :

6. Some farmers are overusing chemicals in their crops.

Chemicals are overused by some farmers in their crops.

7. Europe was consuming too much oil when the economic crisis broke out.

Too much oil was  used by Europe when the economic crisis broke out.

8. Environmentalists were saving endangered species after the oil spill.

Endangered species were saved by environmentalists  after the oil spill.

9. Climate changes have caused the rise of temperature in many areas.

The rise of temperature is the consequence of climate changes in many areas

10.Deforestation has destroyed some rainforest ecosystems.

Some rainforest ecosystems were destroyed by deforestation.