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21. Conjugue les verbes au prétérit ou au present

a. According to the police, the robber ... (go) through
a back window.

b. ... (you / ever / be) to Rome? Mary ... (go) there
three times in the last ten years.

c. The Prime Minister ... (refuse) to reduce the price
of petrol.

d. When I was a teenager ... (1 / play) football every
Saturday afternoon.

e. Last year there ... (be) a lot of traffic accidents
in this area.

f. My keys are missing: ... (you / see) them?

g. I can't finish this game of chess; ... (1 / already / try)
several times.

h. When I asked him for time off, ... (he / say) “No”.

Sagot :



Cou wentc) ere was

) wCoubd ou ever been.


a) went

b) Have you ever been.

c) refused

d) I played

e) there was

f) Did you see them?

g) I have tried

h) he said
